Digital restoration of photographs

Not all photographs have been lucky enough to have been looked after in the best conditions. Most museums and public and private archives have photos that are faded, cracked, or damaged in other ways.

We can help you to digitally restore these images. Photographic conservators can help with any physical intervention required afterwards.

At the top of this page is just one example of sensitive digital restoration. This photograph has blotches and specks of damage, and some fading. We have retained the feel of the original, but cleaned up the damaged areas allowing the original image to shine through without it looking clinical – it is 160 years old after all.

We can even enhance badly faded photos such as the one below. The before and after is quite striking.

Contact us to see how we can help you.

Two black and white Victorian photographs side by side. The left hand photo features a lady sat in the middle with a boy on each side (her sons). The photo has scratches and dots on it. The right hand photo, of the same scene, has had the scratches and dots removed digitally and is much clearer.
A sensitive digital restoration of a mid Victorian photograph of a family group. The original has plenty of scratches and blemishes, including on obscuring the lady’s mouth. The restoration has kept the ‘feel’ of the original, but made it clearer with fewer blemishes.
A before and after image restoration comparison. A badly faded 19th century photograph of a girl is on the left. On the right is a digitally restored version, which is much clearer.
This Victorian ‘carte de visite’ is of a young girl. The sepia original is badly faded. The digital enhancement, made black and white, brings the details into as sharp a focus as possible. An extreme enhancement, but one that helps to see the original in a new light.