Research & Analysis

Curiosity and the joy of discovery drives all of our work.

We are a research active organisation. All of our services and products are informed by our own research, analysis and testing.

We have research interests across different areas of curating such as material culture history and theory, museum studies, archaeology, cultural and natural collections, scientific, industrial and natural heritage, 3D digital objects, culture and identity, and intangible heritage particularly audio, music and sound.

We also welcome undertaking research on commission and providing your project or programme with research capability in our areas of expertise. Our core team has access to a large network of academics, researchers and specialist practitioners that can be assembled for large and small collaborations.

Site of Tearing Ledge by CISMAS on Sketchfab. This novel 3D visualisation of the seabed topology of the Tearing Ledge rocks on the Isles of Scilly was created by the Curatorial Research Centre for CISMAS.